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6 posts categorized "Books"

21 December 2011

What neuroscience can teach us about love (Happen - November 2011)

Hdr_logoTheo Pauline Nestor interviewed me for this Q&A about love and the brain. 


When writer Kayt Sukel was perched to reenter the dating world, she was suddenly confronted with the fact that she could not answer what she thought of as the "relatively easy question" — namely, "what is love?"

"It was probably naïve of me to think of it as something 'easy,'" Sukel says, "but I had gotten some notion — probably from novels and sappy movies — that I should have a better handle on that dratted L-word by the time I got married and started a family. And then when my marriage fell apart, I felt like it was time to frame love-related questions in a different way — to see if maybe neuroscience might offer me some better insight than what I could find on the self-help shelves." With that in mind, Sukel set out on a quest to learn what answers neuroscientists could yield up in regards to the hard questions about love, lust, and monogamy. The results of her search can be found in her newly released book, Dirty Minds: How Our Brains Influence Love, Sex, and Relationships (Free Press, 2012), a thorough and lively investigation into the latest research on love and the brain...


(To read the rest of the article, click here).

The Best American Travel Writing 2011 - Notable List

Safe_image.phpMy article, Chet of Arabia, was mentioned on page 255 of The Best American Travel Writing 2011 (Sloane Crosley) as one of 2010's most notable travel pieces.


Your brain and online dating (Happen Magazine - October 2011)

Hdr_logoWhat did I learn as I researched DIRTY MINDS that may help in the dating world?  I spilled some of the details to Happen,'s magazine.


Kayt Sukel is the author of Dirty Minds: How Our Brains Influence Love, Sex, and Relationships (Free Press, 2012). Here are a few things she learned about the neurobiology of attraction as she researched and wrote her book — and how they might apply to your online dating life.

Read through a dozen online dating profiles and I guarantee that you'll come across words like "chemistry," "spark," and "connection." There's good reason for this: as I researched the neurobiology of attraction for Dirty Minds, I quickly learned that chemistry is far more than just a dating profile cliché. Chemistry is real — and it's important. It just may not be exactly what you think it is...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).


02 April 2008

Cerebrum 2008: Emerging Ideas in Brain Science

Cerebrum2008Two articles appear in the copy of the Dana Foundation's Cerebrum 2008:  Emerging Ideas in Brain Science book, a piece with Dr. Russell Epstein entitled, "Building for the Shattered Mind:  Partnering Brain Science and Architecture," and a singly authored article, "Cerebral Malaria, A Wily Foe."

The book is available on

05 February 2007

Cerebrum 2007: Emerging Ideas in Brain Science

Cerebrum_2007_bookBringing the Brain of the Child with Autism Back on Track, an article co-authored with Dr. Diane Chugani, will appear in, "Cerebrum 2007:  Emerging Ideas in Brain Science," to be published by the University of Chicago Press later this year.  More information about the book and its release can be found on the University of Chicago Press website

19 May 2006

Shaping Web Usability: Interaction Design in Context

Book In 2002, I co-authored a chapter on wireless devices for Albert Badre's book Shaping Web Usability:  Interaction Design in Context.  This is a fantastic resource for information architects, user interface designers, and usability practioners.  You can read an excerpt of Chapter 10:  From Desktops to Handhelds on Safari Books Online