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2 posts categorized "Current Affairs"

21 December 2011

Updating Facebook status, to divorced (The New York Times At War Blog - 22 November 2011)

Atwar_postFor the New York Times' At War blog, I wrote a piece about military divorce.


Soon after I married my Army officer husband, an acquaintance gave me a photocopied page of an old-school military spouse handbook as a lark. As part and parcel of being a “good” military spouse, it entreated new spouses to have at least two pairs of white gloves on hand at all times as well as a well-stocked stationery box. The first was deemed necessary to make the best possible impression on all the higher-ups a wife might meet as her husband made his ascent through the ranks.The second, of course, was recommended to help the new spouse stay connected with friends and family as she started her wonderful new adventure as a soldier’s rock and helpmeet...

(To read the rest of the post, click here).



20 November 2010

Can the Army's new suicide prevention plan really work? ( - 29 July 2010)

Atlanticcom Will the pervasive military culture allow the Army's new suicide prevention plan to work?


The U.S. Army's Task Force on Suicide Prevention released a comprehensive report this morning, assessing the Army's now-acute suicide problem and outlining the leadership's plans to confront it. General Peter W. Chiarelli, the Army's vice chief of staff, briefed Congress on its contents yesterday. Though some are calling the report a blueprint for suicide prevention, Colonel Christopher Philbrick, head of the Task Force under General Chiarelli, maintains it's just part of an ongoing process...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).