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4 posts categorized "Technology"

04 March 2010

Oakland County, Michigan shares notification service with local cities (Government Technology - 9 November 2009)

Govtech0808 An article about how a county in Michigan is sharing an online government with all of its cities for free is in Government Technology magazine.


When the H1N1 "swine" flu epidemic broke loose in late April 2009, Americans clamored for information about the disease and its potential impact in their communities. Many local governments turned to their own Web sites and other means of digital communication to disseminate information...

(To read the rest of the story, click here).

03 August 2008

RFID helps Florida State Attorney track case files (Government Technology - August 2008)

Govtech0808( An article about the way a Florida State Attorney's office is using RFID to tackle case file management appears in the August 2008 issue of Government Technology magazine.


In the Florida Office of the State Attorney's 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, an attorney needs to find a file that's pertinent to a case she'll be prosecuting in court later that day. It can't be found in any of the likely places, and the attorney needs it immediately. A year ago, that need would have precipitated bedlam in the office...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

26 February 2008

School tracking system helps New Mexico gauge school performance (Government Technology - March 2008)

Govtechlogo_2An article on New Mexico's statewide student performance accountability system appears in the March 2008 issue of Government Technology magazine.


A focal point requirement of the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), federal legislation aimed at improving U.S. primary and secondary schools performance, was to implement accountability systems that analyze student and educator data, and report those results to the U.S. Department of Education. These reporting systems were heralded as an effective way to help state departments of education collect statistics to assess teacher proficiency and student progress...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

19 May 2006

Shaping Web Usability: Interaction Design in Context

Book In 2002, I co-authored a chapter on wireless devices for Albert Badre's book Shaping Web Usability:  Interaction Design in Context.  This is a fantastic resource for information architects, user interface designers, and usability practioners.  You can read an excerpt of Chapter 10:  From Desktops to Handhelds on Safari Books Online