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5 posts categorized "Miscellaneous"

19 May 2008

Superfoods help heart health (Nutritional Outlook - April 2008)

No0803_coverA story about superfoods and how their consumption can benefit cardiovascular health appears in the April 2008 issue of Nutritional Outlook.


You can hardly open a magazine or newspaper these days without reading about so-called superfoods.  Exotic foods such as pomegranate, acai, goji, mangosteen and spirulina, as well as more every-day offerings such as blueberry and cranberry, are all being touted as foods that can help prevent disease and slow down the aging process.  But is there more to these foods than hype?  Anecdotal and preliminary scientific evidence point to yes -- including indications that they can help prevent cardiovascular disease, a leading killer of individuals over 45 years of age.  And those findings are spurring new markets and vehicles to get superfoods and their components out to consumers...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

10 September 2007

Brew Pup—The face that launched a thousand bottles (The Bark - Issue #44, September/October 2007)

Bark44_cov_120x150"Brew Pup—The face that launched a thousand bottles," an article about Smuttynose Brewery's famous pin-up dog, Olive, appears in Issue #44, September/October 2007, of the Bark

The issue is available at Barnes and Noble Booksellers and other newsstands this month.

Taste of a Memory, Tart but Sweet (The Washington Post - 10 September 2007)

Washpostlogo_2An essay about my great-grandmother, cookies and memory appears in the StylePlus section of today's Washington Post.


"Do you remember, honey?"

After she turned 95, every conversation I had with my great-grandmother, Babcia, seemed to both begin and end with that same question. Do you remember? It was as if she wanted reassurance that her memory, by then failing her far too often, still retained some value...

(To read the rest of the essay, click here).

A Great Leap Forward (The Christian Science Monitor - 10 September 2007)

Csm_logoAn essay about my experience performing publicly after I gave up my dreams of being a dancer appears in today's Christian Science Monitor. 


I waited in the wings for my cue. My last performance had been more than 12 years ago, and I wondered what had led me here. I clutched the curtain, hoping that the bile in my throat wouldn't rise any higher. Finally, it came – the change in music that was my cue to join the other dancers on stage...

(To read the rest of the essay, click here).

04 September 2007

Keeping Baby Boomers Healthier Longer (Nutritional Outlook - July/August 2007)

No_cover An article on baby boomer health entitled, "Keeping Baby Boomers Healthier Longer" appeared in the July/August 2007 issue of Nutritional Outlook, a trade magazine for the dietary supplement and healthy food and beverage industry.


In a recent study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, MA), researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) found that Americans in their mid-50s reported themselves to be in poorer health and in more pain than those approaching retirement in previous generations. Given the fact that members of the so-called baby boomer set made up more than 20% of the United States population in 2000, their increased health issues are not only a concern to economists and healthcare providers looking to quantify the resources needed to handle the aging-related concerns of this large population, but also to friends and family members who would like to see them live longer, higher-quality lives...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).