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24 posts categorized "Travel"

21 December 2011

The Best American Travel Writing 2011 - Notable List

Safe_image.phpMy article, Chet of Arabia, was mentioned on page 255 of The Best American Travel Writing 2011 (Sloane Crosley) as one of 2010's most notable travel pieces.


Galapagos with Gap Adventures - Travel Savvy Mom (August 2011)

LogowithtitleAs part of a 9-part series for Travel Savvy Mom, I chronicled a 10-day Galapagos Islands adventure with Gap Adventures. 


They say any journey begins with a single step.  Ours starts with a non-stop plane journey–and a queasy feeling that I’m forgetting something really important.

Ever since Gap Adventures invited Chet and I to give their Galapagos Family Adventure a go, I’ve been wondering what exactly we need.  Though we’ve traveled extensively, I’m not sure what Gap’s “adventure” travel means.  Nor do I know how to define what a “comfort” level may be.  And while I follow Gap’s packing list to the letter, I have a nagging suspicion I’m forgetting something important.  I spend the day packing and second guessing and then re-packing again.  Once I manage to meet the list and pack a single duffel bag for both of us under 37 lbs., I call myself done and hope for the best...

(To read the rest of the series, click here).

21 August 2011

Letting go and exploring the world (The Balance Sheet, a blog - 16 August 2011)

Parents_aws I recently guest-posted for Allison Winn Scotch's popular blog, The Balance Sheet, about letting go and traveling with your kids.


I have a confession to make:  I consider ‘balance’ to be a bit of a dirty word.  Sure, I understand why it’s important.  As a single Mom, freelance writer and avid traveler, I run the risk of knocking my ‘balance’ out of whack on a daily basis.  (That’s why they invented wine, right?)  But, as I read about this elusive ‘balance’ in women’s magazines, listen to life coaches talk about it on television and see it mentioned as often as “loving long walks on the beach” on dating profiles, it feels more like pressure than release.  Think about it.  Balance is always described as some sort of end state.  You simply tweak a few things and—Voila!—you are in balance, complete with a strong career, happy kids and thinner thighs.  But as any former ballerina can tell you, balance is hard work.  There is never that promised end state—rather, balance is a continuous process involving focus, a strong core and an unyielding belief that you can do the impossible.  (Or, at the very least, the improbable).  Just the idea is exhausting...

(To read the rest of the post, click here).

Hearts and Minds (Houston Chronicle City Brights Blog)

Chron I am now contributing a new weekly blog to the  Houston Chronicle City Brights collection:  Hearts and Minds

In it, I discuss new findings in life, love and science.  With the occasional personal story thrown in. 

Guest Travel Columnist ( - June 2011)

HealthNews asked me to be their guest travel columnist for the month of June.  I created several articles and lists based on travel including:

5 simple ways to guarantee the whole family enjoys the trip

Tips and tricks for keeping your diet/exercise plan while traveling

Top 10 things to pack when traveling with kids

Just do it: Travel with your kids

5 tips to help ensure your sanity (and safety) when traveling internationally

Forget the staycation:  Travel local instead

5 fun and fantastic resorts for families






08 July 2010

Frankfurt City Guide (Executive Travel - July 2010)

GW210H273 Forget Munich or Berlin, Frankfurt is one of Germany's booming business centers - and a place where business travelers will feel right at home.


Frankfurt may not be the first German city that comes to mind when you think of global business centers. In terms of sheer size, it has little on fellow cities Berlin, Cologne or Dusseldorf, yet Frankfurt—or Frankfurt am Main, as it’s known within German borders—has been a bustling commercial hub in Europe for centuries...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

Taste: Malta's Pastizzi (Islands - June 2010)

June_2010_cover_300 In the June 2010 issue of Islands, I wrote a Taste column about my love for the Maltese pastizzi - and what lengths I'll go to get one.


“It will be a long drive,” says our guide, Carmelo. He’s right, but I don’t care. My mother and I worked up an appetite exploring the southern part of Malta. Now we need pastizzi ta’ l-irkotta. I already ate two of the savory pastries filled with creamy ricotta at breakfast. These perfect, boat- shaped specimens have a crispy crust and velvety filling. Still, no matter how many pastizzi I eat, I always want more — even if it means driving to the other side of the island...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

04 March 2010

Chet of Arabia (The Atlantic Monthly - March 2010)

COVER_bigger_atlWhy do I travel to exotic destinations with my son?  In "Chet of Arabia," I discuss traveling to Jordan with my three-year-old son during my husband's deployment to nearby Iraq.


We ENTER THE archeological park early in the morning, soon after it opens. As a solo mother with a preschooler, I choose to take the horse-drawn carriage through the Siq—the astonishing mountain-cut pathway to Petra...

(To read the rest of the piece, click here). 

One man's scotch whisky passion (Wine Enthusiast - 1 December 2009)

We-cover An article about Claive Vidiz's incredible 3400+ bottle scotch whisky collection - and how he amassed it - appears in the 1 December 2009 issue of Wine Enthusiast magazine.  The collection is now on display at the Scotch Whisky Experience attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The issue is available in most major bookstores and newsstands.

17 August 2009

Hotel Duo Review (Smith Hotels - August 2009)

Smith-hotels-logo On a recent trip to Paris, I wrote a review/essay about my experience at the Hotel Duo for boutique hotel experts, Mr. & Mrs. Smith.


For many, driving in Paris rates somewhere between a visit to the dentist and replacing a toilet commode. It’s true that the bustling labyrinth of small streets that makes the city so charming for a visiting pedestrian can make it downright perilous for your average suburban driver. As we ventured into the lively Le Marais district, searching for the small cross-street that would take us to the Hotel Duo, we were no exception. We might have missed our turn entirely if not for the young man in an afro wig, fishnet tights and tuxedo jacket that cut us off on his bicycle. He ended up being our beacon, his nearly bare bottom guiding us directly to the hotel’s entrance spare grey entrance...

(To read the rest of the review, click here).

Amsterdam Hotel Reviews (Travel Intelligence - August 2009)

Ti While in Amsterdam, I reviewed two hotels for luxury travel and hotel specialist, Travel Intelligence

Hotel Pulitzer Excerpt:

Leave your stereotype of the usual Starwood Hotels and Resorts property by the wayside – the Pulitzer is a charming and quite distinctive 230-room hotel in the heart of Amsterdam. Located on the Prinsengracht, only a few blocks from the city centre, the hotel is composed of 25 restored 17th- and 18th-century houses that mix Dutch tradition and modern luxury in an unforgettable way...

Hotel Toren Excerpt:

The word “unforgettable” gets thrown around a lot in hotel marketing copy. But Hotel Toren, a small 38-room boutique property in Amsterdam, truly is. This romantic hotel makes its home in a renovated 17th-century mansion along the Keizersgracht.  Its combination of history, luxury and service will soon have you feeling as if you’ve stepped back in time – and perhaps wondering why you’d ever stay anywhere else...

29 August 2008

Slowpoke (The Tea Collection Blog - 28 August 2008)

TeaLogoTag3 A blog post about my nephews adventures eating snails in the Bordeaux region of France appears on the Tea Collection blog.  I will be blogging there regularly about my travel adventures with kids.


On our first day in St. Antoine de Breuilh, my nephew, Tyler, dug up snails from the yard surrounding our gîte. The next day, he ordered them off the menu, simmered in butter and Court Bouillon...

(To read the rest of the post, click here). 

03 August 2008

Down on the dollar (Successful Meetings - August 2008)

Successfulmeetings An article about how meeting planners can best stretch the dollar when planning events overseas appears in the August 2008 issue of Successful Meetings magazine.


The trusty greenback has Americans a little blue when they travel to Europe these days.  They aren't the only ones missing the days of a stronger U.S. currency, either, as many conference venues across Europe and the United Kingdom this year are experiencing a loss of business from American-based organizations...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

12 June 2008

Pharoahs, and Pyramids, and Mummies, Oh My! (Travel Savvy Mom - June 2008)

Logo1 A profile of a trip to Egypt with my son, along with several other hotel write-ups, appears on the Travel Savvy Mom website.  I will be blogging there regularly as a contributing editor.


Egypt is filled with enough enigmatic history to delight kids young and old. Add to that sand, crazy camel drivers and the busiest streets you’ve ever seen, and your child is likely to spend your whole visit entranced by the chaos...

(To read the rest of the profile, click here).

05 November 2007

Le Shopping: Main-hattan (Delta Sky - November 2007)

Delta_november An article about the Zeil, Frankfurt's pedestrian shopping area, appears in this month's issue of Delta Sky magazine.


Not only is Frankfurt Germany’s financial center, the city also boasts a uniquely non-European skyline that might make you wonder if you aren’t standing on the New York side of the Atlantic...

01 March 2007

Exploring the Many Faces of Dublin and Hanau Hidden Secret: Hanau Wochenmarkt (Connection - March 2007)

Issue_mar07I have two pieces in the March 2007 issue of Army Germany's Connection magazine:  a travel feature on Dublin, Ireland and a shorter piece about the Hanau Wochenmarkt. In addition, my photographs were used for both pieces.

25 February 2007

Haggling by the Pound (Ottawa Citizen - 24 February 2007)

GetimageAn essay about haggling in the Khan-al-Khalili market in Cairo, Egypt appears in the Travel & Leisure section of the February 24, 2007 edition of the Ottawa Citizen. 


My husband tapped his foot impatiently as my son started to squirm in his stroller. It was time to move on -- the morning was getting late and Cairo's famous open-air bazaar, the Khan-al-Khalili, was becoming crowded. The alleys of the market were filling with tourists, fresh off the tour bus, and over-ambitious baksheesh men looking to take them to the "best" stalls for a small fee...

(To read the rest of the essay, click here).

28 October 2006

Hanau Hidden Secret: Ronneburg Falknerei (Connection - November 2006)

Coversmlconnection1106 An article on a local attraction in the Hanau/Buedingen area of Germany, the Ronneburg Castle Falconry, appears in the November 2006 issue of Connection magazine.  Connection is published by the U.S. Army's Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) organization in Germany.  You can read more about the magazine on Army Germany's website.

In addition to this piece, I will be a frequent contributor for Connection in 2007, writing 4 more Hanau Hidden Secret columns as well as some travel features.

Excerpt from this piece:

Upon hearing the call of his name, the falcon takes flight, elegantly moving towards the bit of rabbit held high in the falconer's hand.  His powerful wings beat the air around him, causing the spectators underneath him to instinctively crouch lower.  But there is no need.  The bird feels much closer than he actually is.  He lands gracefully on the falconer's outstretched arm to enjoy his treat, almost oblivious to the delighted audience so intently watching him...

(To read the rest of the article, download the .pdf at 940KB - Download Sukel_Connection_RonneburgFalknerei_1106.pdf .)

01 October 2006

Wheel World (Continental Magazine - October 2006)

Cover_continetal_sml1006 A short piece on the Ciclo-Ruta -- Bogota, Colombia's fabulous bike paths -- appears in the Go Explore section of the October 2006 issue of Continental Airlines in-flight magazine.


British author (and avid cyclist) H.G. Wells once said, “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” If Wells were alive today, a visit to Bogotá would be a great boost to his optimism. Boasting one of the largest networks of segregated cycleways in the world, the Ciclo-Ruta, Colombia’s capital is the envy of other cities working to promote cycling as an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to driving...

(To read the rest of the article, click here).

02 August 2006

Fine Stein (Dispatches - National Geographic Traveler July/August 2006)

Florence_1 My ultra-short about the Augustiner Keller biergarten appeared in the [World Report] Dispatches section of the July/August issue of National Geographic Traveler. 

Fine Stein.  A less touristy alternative to Munich's famous Hofbrauhaus biergarten is Augustiner Keller, near the train station.  It's got great beers, a full menu, and a patio that fools you into thinking you're in the middle of the Black Forest. 

30 July 2006

"Mozart Played on Kazoos?" reprinted in USAToday


My essay "Mozart Played on Kazoos?  Welcome to Salzburg!" (originally appearing in the 13 July 2006 edition of the Christian Science Monitor) was reprinted in USAToday.  To see the essay online, click here.

13 July 2006

Mozart Played on Kazoos? Welcome to Salzburg! (Christian Science Monitor - 13 July 2006)

Csm_logo An essay about my experiences with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as I traveled in Salzburg, Austria is up in the Home Forum Section of the Christian Science Monitor today. 


It was the kazoos that got my attention. Since I had arrived in Salzburg, Austria, days earlier, it seemed that I couldn't get away from the city's famous son. He dogged my steps.

As I crossed the Mozartplatz on my way to the center of the Altstadt (the historical part of the city), I felt his eyes watching me from atop his marble pedestal in the center of the square.

As I rode the funicular up to the top of the Hohensalzburg fortress, the headphones that seemed permanently attached to the ears of the young man next to me were blaring the maestro's Piano Sonata in C minor, as opposed to the heavy metal music I anticipated from the way he was dressed...

(To read the rest of the essay, click here).

19 May 2006

Hotel Dersaadet - Istanbul, Turkey (National Geographic Traveler - April 2006)

Ngcover0406 My short (uncredited) description of the Hotel Dersaadet in Istanbul, Turkey appeared in the Hotel Central Stays under $150 section of the National Geographic Traveler's April 2006 issue.  I highly recommend the Dersaadet for anyone who is traveling to Istanbul.  It really is a one of a kind place.


Just a few minutes walk from the heart of Sultanahmet and its many attractions (Topkapi Palace, carpet shops, museums), this reconstructed Ottoman mansion offers 17 guest rooms decorated Turkish-style with kilims and painted ceilings...

A Flying Carpet Ride of Memories (Christian Science Monitor - 24 March 2006)

Logo_1 My essay about our trip to Istanbul, Turkey with our infant son, Chet, appeared in the Home Forum section of the 24 March 2006 edition of the Christian Science Monitor. 


We had been in Istanbul, Turkey, for only a few days and already knew that we stood out. When the carpet sellers who lined the streets of the Sultanahmet, the city's ancient historic district, saw us from the back, they took note of my husband's close-cropped hair and yelled out, "Soldier! Soldierman! Mr. Army, Mr. Navy! Come inside and see a carpet. Maybe your pretty wife will like one, you buy it for her! Maybe not. You don't like, you need not buy, but come look!"

But when they got a good look at our fronts, with the small, wriggling bundle strapped to my husband's chest, they changed tactics. As soon as they saw our infant son held fast in his baby carrier - his eyes open wide and bright, taking in the extraordinary and beautiful city surrounding him - they took a slightly less aggressive approach...

(To read the rest of the essay, click here).